Mother Emma Crouch
Fifth General Supervisor 1994 – 1997
Among the more prominent and recent figures in COGIC history is the diminutive, Mother Emma Frances Crouch. She was the latest of the godly women of high administrative rank to leave these earthly shores.
Still we honor her recent memory as much as pioneer like Lizzie Woods Robinson, Lillian Brooks Coffey, Annie Bailey and Mattie McGlothen.
Like the church, Mother Crouch was born and shaped in humble beginnings. Her birth on a Texas Homestead in 1911 typified the challenges confronting her development and encouraged her longevity in Christian service. Born Emma Frances Searcy, the native Texan was saved, sanctified and filled with the Holy Ghost in 1930. She married Elder B.J. Crouch (later Bishop) and enjoyed family life in the church.
She proved to be an ardent worker for the Lord and her church. The quiet spirit she was, masked her dynamism in local helped her life as model for other aspiring missionaries. She started at the local and state level ministries and worked her way through the ranks. She served as YPWW Chairlady, district Missionary, and became the first and only Supervisor of Women for the Texas Southwest Jurisdiction. In 1956, she was appointed by Bishop T.D. Iglehart to that position and served with honor. On the National Board of Trustees. Her tenure as supervisor was accented in 1976 with her appointment as First Assistant General Supervisor.
In 1994, Mother Crouch was elevated by the late Presiding Bishop Louis H. Ford to the rank of General Supervisor of Women. Her time of service was brief by the standard of her predecessors but nonetheless meaningful.
Mother Crouch exemplified holiness through her daily walk in life. By any standard, she proved to be a gifted and dedicated woman of service. Some people speak about their focus of faith and labor. Mother Emma crouch lived that focused life with distinction. She organized the Christian Women’s Council. Let celebrate Mother Crouch’s life and legacy. Her labor was that of a worthy and prudent woman. She added to the rich heritage and tradition of COGIC woman everywhere. This historic observation is appropriate but the reward that Christ has for her is what she truly deserves. Possibly, we women who remain can recognize through her life that in the Church Of God In Christ a woman can have it all; family and ministry! Mother Crouch now rest with those whom she labored so incessantly. She joined them in rank and on January 6, 1997, in heavenly reward.