Our Divisions
Our divisions were established on a need basis. These divisions analyze issues within their areas of jurisdiction and make recommendations to the build the IYD. To view each division click on the title name below.
Special Program & Events Division
When hosting events, the IYD is committed to fostering a quality first-class experience every time we gather. Our annual leadership summit, AIM Youth Church, and the MY Convention worship services are just a few significant events hosted by the IYD annually.
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

Paul Gatlin: Vice President of Commissions
Communal Division
The New Testament church proves that the Spirit of God moves through fellowship just as much as through worship. In the International Youth Department, we pride ourselves on providing quality worship experiences. However, we also pride ourselves in providing a quality community where youth and young adults can connect when the worship service has ended. The Communal Division is committed to providing fun and fellowship.
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

Tirrell McCoy, Director
Leadership Council Division
Every organization is only as strong as its leaders. Youth Presidents and Chairladies are essential to the work of the IYD. The Leadership Council Division is committed to providing opportunities for leaders to receive innovative tools from serving youth and young adults on a jurisdictional level. It is also critical that leaders, youth, and young adults have a platform to express best practices, concerns, and ideas.
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

Quentin Battle: Sr. Advisor
IYD University Division
The IYD is passionate about equipping people with content to effectuate growth and change. We believe that knowledge is power. The IYD University Division creates content to empower leaders, youth and young adults.
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

Jeana Adams, Director
Collegiate Affairs Division
The IYD is committed to meeting the needs of our collegiate’s. We believe in the importance of high education. We also understand there are unique challenges that collegiate’s face, and we are intentional about meeting those needs
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

Timothy Fair: Director
Life Stages Division
We are one department filled with many youth and young adults who are all on different life paths. The Life Stages Division has been developed to meet your needs whether you are married, single, or a parent.
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

John Amanchukwu, Director
Ministry & Spiritual Development Division
Ministry and Spiritual Development exist to develop Champions for Christ by offering opportunities to grow in Christ. This ministry will help you identify what God is doing in your life and cooperate with leadership development other programs.
If your looking for additional information on the Special Program & Events Division, please reach out to us on the contact us page and we will respond to your inquiry.

Anthony Hudson, Director