To: Church of God in Christ Conference & Convention Attendees
We look forward to each opportunity to fellowship with each other on the local, jurisdictional and national level. We have just a few opportunities to gather together on the national level; therefore, those times are very precious.
The COVID-19 pandemic has made us re-evaluate our gatherings over the next few months. While the fellowship with one another is priceless, your safety is very important to us. The CDC and many state health departments are not sure how long we will need to shelter-in-place. There is no vaccine for this virus and the most effective way to combat
it at this time is to shelter-in-place.
We have previously announced that we are postponing the April Call meeting. In addition, both our Women’s International Convention and Crusade Men’s Conferences are cancelled for 2020.
Also, the 2020 Auxiliaries In Ministry Convention (AIM) is cancelled; additional information will be shared with you as it becomes available.
We serve a great God who is all-powerful and all knowledgeable. We trust Him wholeheartedly.
Continue to listen to the authorities and medical providers and follow their instructions. God has blessed men and women with wisdom, knowledge and understanding in these matters. Our faith is most present when we follow instructions of those charged with our safety.
I love each of you with the love of the Lord.