Church Of God In Christ Celebrates Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard’s
Recognition as #8 on Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies in the world
Memphis, TN October 3, 2023 – The Church Of God In Christ, Inc. (COGIC) is proud to announce that Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard has been named number eight on the prestigious list of Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies by The Israel Allies Foundation. This recognition is a testament to Bishop Sheard’s unwavering commitment to fostering strong ties between our denomination and the State of Israel.
Bishop Sheard, who has served as the Presiding Bishop of COGIC since 2021, has played a pivotal role in strengthening the bond between our denomination and Israel. In a historic move, he became the first Presiding Bishop to lead a delegation to Israel in his official capacity, demonstrating his dedication to promoting interfaith dialogue and cooperation.
In response to this honor, Presiding Bishop Sheard expressed his gratitude and commitment to continuing his work on behalf of the Church Of God In Christ and the State of Israel. He said, “I am deeply honored to be recognized as one of Israel’s Top 50 Christian Allies. This acknowledgment reflects our denomination’s commitment to fostering strong ties with Israel and promoting unity among people of faith. I am dedicated to furthering our mission of peace and cooperation between COGIC and the State of Israel.”
The Church Of God In Christ, with its 12,000 churches in over 105 countries, is the largest African American Pentecostal denomination in the United States. This recognition of Presiding Bishop Sheard’s efforts underscores the organization’s commitment to fostering unity, understanding, and cooperation between faith communities.
Presiding Bishop Sheard’s leadership has been characterized by his tireless efforts to bridge gaps and build relationships, not only within the COGIC but also on an international scale. His commitment to promoting peace, religious freedom, and cooperation between Christians and the State of Israel aligns perfectly with the values of The Israel Allies Foundation
The Church Of God In Christ extends its heartfelt congratulations to Presiding Bishop J. Drew Sheard for this well-deserved recognition and looks forward to the continued growth of our collaboration with the State of Israel. . The complete list can be found here: https://israelallies.org/israels-top-50-christian-allies-2023
About The Church Of God In Christ, Inc.:
The Church of God in Christ is one of the oldest Pentecostal denominations in the World and the fourth largest Protestant group in the United States, with 12,000 churches in 105 countries and millions of adherents worldwide. COGIC is committed to advancing the teachings of Jesus Christ and promoting unity, love, and understanding among people of all backgrounds.
About The Israel Allies Foundation:
The Israel Allies Foundation is dedicated to promoting communication and cooperation between parliamentarians and legislators from around the world who share a belief that the State of Israel has the right to exist in peace within secure borders. The foundation recognizes and honors individuals who have made significant contributions to fostering positive relationships between Christians and the nation of Israel.