Bishop Jimmie L. Williams

  Bishop Jimmie Williams Bishop Jimmie Williams was born on July 20, 1954 in Miami, Florida.  The sixth child born to Roosevelt Williams, Sr. and Willie Belle Williams, Bishop Williams is a native south Floridian where he received his formative education.  In addition to his formative education, he has also received a Bachelor of Religious…

Bishop Michael E. Hill

  Bishop Michael Hill The call of God was evident upon Bishop Michael Eugene Hill, Sr. from early childhood. As a son of the Church of God in Christ, the Lord’s hand rested heavily upon him as he was being prepared for the ministry. Throughout each era in his life, God was priming him for…

Evangelist Dorinda Clark-Cole

  Evangelist Dorinda Clark-Cole The second from the youngest of The Clark Sisters, Dorinda attributes her fiery, convicting singing style to her mother, Dr. Mattie Moss-Clark, who saw the gift of singing and preaching in her at an early age. Back in the 1960’s and 70’s, when other children their age were playing outside, Dorinda…

AIM 2015 ~ Evening Speakers

    Bishop Jimmie Williams Bishop Jimmie Williams was born on July 20, 1954 in Miami, Florida.  The sixth child born to Roosevelt Williams, Sr. and Willie Belle Williams, Bishop Williams is a native south Floridian where he received his formative education.  In addition to his formative education, he has also received a Bachelor of…