March 11, 2015
Dear Saints:
This correspondence comes to you at the request of the Adjutant General, Bishop Matthew Williams.
It is with great regret that I inform you of the passing of Bishop James Neaul Haynes, Former First Assistant Presiding Bishop and General Board Member Emeritus – Church Of God In Christ, Inc. At the time of his passing, Bishop Haynes served as the distinguished Prelate of the Texas Northeast First Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. The Haynes Family and the jurisdiction are in need of our fervent prayers.
Special planning is being done now to handle the services of such a churchman as Bishop Haynes. Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake has set the date of the National Home going Celebration for 12 o’clock noon on Tuesday, March 17, 2015, Dallas, Texas. Further arrangements are being made at this time by our denomination. As the information is given to the adjutancy, we will forward it to you as soon as possible. Arrangements can be found here.
The Adjutant General is requesting that all transportation needs for the General Board be emailed to me at [email protected] on or before Saturday, March 14, 2015. This will allow us to prepare for your arrival before the local and jurisdictional service to be held at 7:00 o’clock p.m., on Monday, March 16, 2015.
If I can assist you further, please call me at 501.712.0048.
In His Service,
Bishop Robert G. Rudolph, Jr.
Assistant General Secretary / Records and Archives
Scribe of the Adjutancy
Church Of God In Christ, Inc.