Children's Church is an opportunity for children to celebrate their love for the Lord. Many of our adult services give little opportunity to children.  Children's participation in our services are normally categorized for special events, holidays and annual services.  But Children's Church is a worship experience focused totally on children and building their understanding of  the Bible and promoting a meaningful relationship with God.  Children's Church celebrates all the ministries that are provided for children and gives the children involved a weekly opportunity to display what they are learning in many unique and creative ways.

Children's Church should not be a copy of the same service format we use for our adult services, but the focus should be engaging every child in every part of the worship services. Children should take an active part from the opening ice breakers, dancing, laughter, arts/crafts, to the delivery of the spoken word or lesson for the day. If your Children's Church is just sputtering along or if it's simply needs some new ideas or direction let us know, we are here to support you.


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